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Scene from a Play


  • 5 minutes max

  • 2 -10  actors

  • Selections must be from published plays. Possible publishers include Playscripts, Dramatists Play Service, Theatrefolk, Dramatic Publishing Inc. When in doubt, please email us.

  • If there has been a film version of the play, please make sure you register this selection in the SCENES FROM A PLAY category and not the FILM/TV SCENES category. 

  • Maximum: 8 entries, split across era.  Please be ready to designate the selection as Classical (published 1880 or after), Modern (published between 1881 and 1999) or Contemporary (published between 2000 and present) during registration. Additionally, be ready to select if the piece is from a dramatic or comedic play (regardless of the monologues genre). We may choose to further divide the categories if there are increases in these categories during this years registration.

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